Hosted by Mark Bergin - Founder of the Design Exec Club / BETTER FUTURE
Dylan Brady - Conductor at Decibel Architecture
Ole Rauberg - Head of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and S.Korea at RH
Lucy Grant - Communications Coordinator at the Design Exec Club / BETTER FUTURE
There is a reliance in the Western world on a colonial structure of knowledge that puts humans as the other in nature and separates us from the environment - Dylan Brady 08:06
Zero isn't a point or a goal, it's a part of a continuum - Dylan Brady 09:17
In the next few years we are going to see far more impact from grassroots organisations as they become more organised. - Ole Rauberg 18:04
By looking at the extreme ends of the spectrum it's almost shifting the accountability away from the largest chunk of people who have the power. to make a great difference. - Lucy Grant 19:13
Focusing on the extremes is a dead-end politically and culturally. - Dylan Brady 19:40
If you don't go and use your democratic right, then someone else will use it on your behalf. - Mark Bergin 22:20
We will get to Beyond Zero when we realise there is no 'other' - Dylan Brady 22:54
We will get to Beyond Zero when we include and raise the voice of our First Nation's people. - Lucy Grant 23:23
We will get to Beyond Zero when corporations have to pay their full cost. - Mark Bergin 23:43
It is really the individual people that will drive change... one person might not be enough, but it all adds up. Ole Rauberg 25:52